The Art therapy does not have clearly pronounced professional status and rules so far. There are artists, teachers, psychologists or doctors who use the art therapy in their work. It is possible to study art therapy in the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of South Bohemia, some pedagogical, philosophical or medical schools. The Czech Art Therapy Association organizes The five years self-experienced training and guarantees different kind of training and workshops to acquaint people with art therapeutic techniques.
The five year self-experienced training took over the Institute of art therapy training in cooperation with SUR in 2003.
Miroslav Huptych started to organize his two year systematic training of the art therapy (252 hours) accredited by MSMT and there is going to be the ninth run next year. This training can be accepted as a bachelor studies. Dipl. KT Beate Albrich offers her training in group art therapy (230 hours).
The Czech Art Therapy Association (CAA) publishes the magazine Arteterapie (three times in a year) and cooperates with others associations of the expresive therapies.